Federal and New York laws prohibiting sexual harassment are clear that unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment. This type of conduct will inevitably affect a person’s day-to-day employment activities, from his or her performance to simply a generally offensive work environment difficult to navigate.
Sexual Harassment Actions Fall Under Two Separate Categories:
Quid pro quo
- This form of sexual harassment is typically easily identifiable. It normally involves someone in a supervisory role threatening someone’s employment or loss of a job benefit because of his or her unwillingness to submit to a sexual advance. In turn, it can also apply when a job benefit or promotion is extended in return for performing a sexual favor.
Hostile work environment
- A hostile work environment is created through pervasive and repetitive speech or conduct, such as jokes, sexual attention, displaying pornographic images on computers, smartphones or photos, or unwanted attention or touching.
Examples of How Sexual Harassment Can Take Form:
- Use of Sexually Foul Language
- Inappropriate Touching
- Obscene Gestures
- Online and Social Media Harassment
- Displaying Porn on Computer Screen
- Refusing Sexual Advances
- Sexual Advances
- Sexual Assault
- Sexually Explicit Jokes
- Sexual Notes or E-mails
- Sexual Pictures
Immediate attention and action is vital to in order to take the proper actions to make this inappropriate conduct cease and to ensure the viability of a sexual harassment claim. Our New York sexual harassment attorneys have extensive knowledge concerning the laws prohibiting sexual harassment and the obligations your employer is supposed to maintain in order to keep the workplace environment free of this disgusting and illegal behavior.
Contact a Seasoned and Qualified Sexual Harassment Attorney
Our attorneys can advise you on how to handle sexual harassment claims and answer specific questions regarding your case. Know the facts before proceeding.
The sexual harassment attorneys of Risman & Risman, P.C. are eager to discuss your concerns with you. There is no charge for the consultation. Please feel free to call us at (212) 233-6400 or contact us online.