Erb’s Palsy is one of the most common and devastating birth injuries which occur when a newborn’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s cervix during delivery. This results in damage to the nerves connecting the arm and shoulder from the use of excessive force or torque by the obstetrician, to release the stuck shoulder of the newborn. The New York Erb’s Palsy attorneys at the Law Office of Risman & Risman, P.C. are well versed in the intricacies of Erb’s Palsy and the type of malpractice which can cause this heartbreaking condition.

In particular, when a infant’s shoulder becomes lodged at the back the mother’s pubic bone, the infant’s head delivers, but the shoulders do not follow through. This type of condition is referred to as shoulder dystocia and it stands as one of the toughest obstacles that an obstetrician must face during delivery since it brings with possibility of crushing, high risk complications. As a result of this condition, the obstetrician is forced to perform a particular delivery maneuver avoiding the placement of pressure on the shoulder. Unfortunately, if this procedure is done inappropriately, Erb’s Palsy can occur where the nerve tissue between the arm and shoulder is extended, partially torn or completely ruptured..

A properly trained obstetrician will identify shoulder dystocia risks and take steps to avoid injury during delivery.

The symptoms of Erb’s Palsy are usually very obvious and traumatic in nature. A baby suffering from Erb’s Palsy will be seen with the affected arm laying by their side and an extended elbow devoid of movement.

The injuries that are associated to Erb’s Palsy are to the neck, shoulder, clavicle, and arm.

Examples of different symptoms of Erb’s Palsy can include:

  • Not able to sit up without assistance;
  • The use of hands, but not of the shoulder or elbow;
  • The entire arm may be paralyzed with the hand and fingers hanging limp;
  • Facial paralysis on the affected side;
  • The ability to move but with little control;
  • No muscle control and no feeling in the arm or hand; and
  • The inability to crawl without the use of therapeutic devices.

Our attorneys understand the complexities of these cases, and are familiar with the procedural and processes involved. Please contact us in the unfortunate incident that your child sustained Erb’s Palsy as the result of the negligence of a physician, nurse or hospital. The Erb’s Palsy attorneys at the Law Office of Risman & Risman, P.C. are eager to help and discuss your concerns with you. There is no charge for the consultation. Please feel free to call us at (212) 233-6400 or contact us online.

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