Earlier this month, the Obama administration endorsed an amendment that would expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect gay, lesbian and transgender Americans.  Until now, there is no federal law that unequivocally prevents workers from being fired, harassed or plainly discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Despite strong efforts by a segment of Congress and the White, there has been no real traction on this issue going all the way back to 1994.

The Equality Act aims to provide a wider range of protections for LGBT workers, and in the most direct way possible.  The bill would explicitly add language about gay and transgender people into legislation created by the 1964 Civil Rights Act — the historic measure that banned many forms of discrimination by race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

There has been a huge uproar from certain conservative groups that believe that LGBT issues do not deserve the same deference and protection as race, color, religion, sex or national origin, but the overwhelming trend is moving in the other direction, despite the slow pace.

The Equality Act, of course, in this political environment, is not expected to make it through Congress, butut the proposition to modify the Civil Rights Act of 1964 law starts to seem like a real possibility.  Fortunately, LGBT individuals that live within the borders of New York State and New York City have safeguards against discrimination, but we are the United States not STATE of America and should be united in our stance against intolerance and protections in the workplace for individuals. who have been historically discriminated.

Risman & Risman, P.C. wants to make sure that your employer is complying with New York human rights laws that prohibit discrimination based on LGBT identification.  If you believe you or your family member was and/or has been retaliated against in the workplace, please contact the employment attorneys of Risman & Risman, P.C. at (212) 233-6400 or contact us online.

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